Andrew Gunn Brings The Music To The Streets of Atlanta At The 2013 Dragon Con Event

20130830 Dragoncon2 dg from Dawn on Vimeo.

Andrew Gunn, a traveling street musician who sings and plays guitar on the road. Gunn is straight out of Massachusetts, making his latest stop all the way in Atlanta Georgia for one of the largest multi-media popular culture conventions that “focuses on science fiction, fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art music film and the universe” known as Dragon Con.  Gunn found a great location in downtown Atlanta, where thousands of people were for the event. Gunn says he will make his next stop in Florida as he continues his musical journey playing where the spirit leads.  He says jokingly that he will head south for the winter, however south is the direction he will be heading.  Gunn, moves around frequently on a budget, resting in different locations and as he puts it, sofa surfing.  Be on the lookout for Andrew, as he may be seen in a city near you.


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