

D C G (C) 2013

Hey there everybody!

Welcome to my first blog!

I am so excited that you stopped by!

I’d like to emphasize to you my first because sometimes your first can be so exciting and yet so scary; like your first job, your first love, first kiss and your first…well, you get the point.

As I take this journey from the state of elementary to productive insight, I want you all to join me in conversation by adding your experience,knowledge and expertise to collaborate,innovate and penetrate this industry we call the business of entertainment, music, film-making, you name it.  So, step up your “A” game.

According to the Washington Post “Big growth is in store for Georgia’s film industry with plans of major studio projects, and in the last fiscal year, productions filmed in Georgia generated an estimated $3.1 billion in economic activity with a 29 percent increase from the year before, according to state estimates”. How exciting! We have a lot to look forward to.

So, if you’re someone who’s interested in all things Atlanta and entertainment, whether you’re coming out of school, an independent, actor, scriptwriter, a part of the production crew/above & below the line, or just plain ole trying to get in where you fit in, then this is the place to be.

There’s so much buzz and excitement in Georgia and this is the place  to be.  So lets come together, gather the latest information, share knowledge & creative insight into your areas of gifting and passion.  However, if you’re already there, then it’s your job to help pull up the next guy. None of us got where we are on our own, and is certainly not  looking for a hand out, but we all can use a hand up (from time to time).

I will investigate the news & activities in and around the Atlanta area including, but not limited to hard news,entertainment, authors, film shoots, festivals, events, and any networking events  etc. I will also dive deeper into the belly of the beast and discuss the growth  and role of the film/music industry in Georgia (bottom line, it’s all about Atlanta.

I will also discuss who the players are and the politics of the business as a whole and much, much, more. So, if you have any plans or interest on moving to Georgia hoping to get a foot in the door, then check back regularly and I will keep you posted on the happenings in the “A”;  places to go, People to see and things to do, now how about that?!?!

So, stay tuned, take a seat & buckle up; because we are about to do the damn thang!   Until next time! Adios, Hasta LaVista, Holla atcha later!

Peace & Love 🙂


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