Category Archives: Events

Germaine Moody “The King of Networking” Bringing People Together To Create Business Opportunities Through Divine Connections

Germaine Moody  Photo by PRweb

Germaine Moody
Photo by (c) 2014

If you missed the networking event this year in Atlanta, then you missed a grand event. Germaine Moody strikes again! He has created fabulous events for the past five years, events that has earned him the title “The King of Networking.” Germaine Moody’s networking event attracts people from all over country and around the world.  Listen as Judy Jones the gracious host of WAEC am Love 860 discuss Moody’s book,  networking event, wine label, successful ventures and Germaine, the man.


Germaine, Judy, Chris (c)2013 Photo by D. Garvin

The Judy Jones Show WAEC am Love 860

This year’s Pre-Grammy networking event was kicked off in Atlanta in January 2014. It’s the launch of Moody’s fifth annual world tour event where entertainment industry professionals of all genres come together to network, connect and celebrate one another’s accomplishments. The tour will not only travel around the country, but around the world including places such as Paris, London, Canada, and Johannesburg just to name a few.

Judy Jones & Germaine Moody Interview by Dawn on Vimeo.

Moody’s Red Carpet Pre-Grammy Event has brought together industry professionals ranging from Music to film and fashion to sports all in the name of networking and if you missed Atlanta’s networking event, fear not, there is more to come from Germaine Moody.

Moody’s not only known as the king of networking, he’s also known for his inspirational writings, including one of his most recent books “50 Seeds of Greatness which was selected to go to the Guinness Book of World Records for having the most contributors to a book ever from over 100 countries, so stay tuned for that. With all that he has accomplished in such a short period of time, it’s a pretty sure bet that he will add the world record to his list of accolades. He’s an inspiration to us all, so to those who feel that you are too small to do great things, just take notes from Germaine Moody.  He trusted God, believed in himself, moved in his purpose & created greatness while making divine connections along the way.  Remember, ALL things are possible to those who believe. To learn more about Germaine Moody and his many books, go to  

50 seeds of greatness

You haven’t heard the last of the King of Networking, this young man is doing big things. Moody has his hands in some of everything, including his own wine label called Royal Moody Wine. “Most importantly, I will be introducing international wines to America” says Moody. So, be on the lookout for Germaine’s next venture. According to Moody events, Germaine states “I’m grateful for the opportunity to bring people together once again to create their own opportunities and expand their connections, this is really what life is all about.” For more information on Germaine Moody and his events, you can check out, you haven’t heard the last of him yet, so stay tuned for an event near you.


King of Pops Third Annual Field Day Event, Atlanta

King of Pop’s Third Annual Event Raises Proceeds for a Community Organizations King of Pops 3rd Annual Field Day, is a free fun-filled family event that began three years ago.   This event is filled with carnival games, competitions, food trucks, live bands, surprise guests & much more, the best part is that it’s free to attend.   Not only was there free entry, but attendees also received tickets to try the King of Pops all natural handcrafted pops and a free game.  Now, that’s a great way to start the day on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.


King of Pops Entry Sign into the Event, Atlanta (c) 2013 Photo by D. Garvin


Parking for the bikers, Atlanta’s King of Pops Field Day. (c) 2013 photo by D. garvin


Hundreds of bikers Parked for the festivities (c) 2013 Photo by D. Garvin

Entering into the event.

Arrival into the King of Pops (c) 2013 Photo by d. Garvin


Free Entry to the event, can’t beat that for a family day out. (c) 2013 by D. garvin


Attendees enjoying the taste of fabulous flavors of fruit pops at the Masquerade in Atlanta (c) 2013 photo by D. Garvin

Field Day is also a fundraiser for a local community project and proceeds made from the event will go to that community project.  The attendees are given a sheet with three community projects to choose from.  The program selected with the highest numbers of votes will receive the proceeds raised from the day’s event.


The voting table to determine which community program wins the proceeds made this day. King of Pops at Masquerade in Atlanta. (c) 2013 Photo by D.Garvin


The Crowd sitting watching the stage performance, Atlanta (c) 2013 King of Pops


Food Truck serving natural foods at the King of Pops Field Day Masquerade, Atlanta Ga. (C) 2013 photo by D. Garvin


Hot dog cart at the King of Pops Field Day event in Atlanta at the Masquerade (c) 2013 photo by D. Garvin


Man selling/making hot dogs at the King of Pops Field Day event in Atlanta at the Masquerade (c) 2013 photo by D. Garvin



Mmm…How bout a bite (c) 2013 King of Pops, Atlanta. Photo by D. Garvin

Who is the King of Pops? They are a company that turned fresh fruit into a frozen treat of 350 yummy flavors with an unusual twist.  Flavors with name that includes; Banana Puddin, Bear trap, blackberry ginger lemonade, chocolate sea salt, peach Jalapeno, coconut banana orange,  blueberry lemongrass, pear vanilla, and Kiwi banana honey just to name a few.  Their goal has always been to provide an ecologically responsible, fresh, all natural hand-made pops. They started with one cart and now has 15 plus 3-4 trucks.

According to King of Pop “We here at King of Pops take great pride in our community and want to help our schools, churches, clubs and other civic groups raise funds.  So we designed the KOP Fundraising Program to be simple, profitable and fun. When we went out to those first fundraising events and saw people lining up to purchase pops for a cause, we knew we did just that.” Attendees rave about how great the event is and how good it is to be able to bring the whole family, “it’s a way for the whole family to get out, have lots of fun and spend very little money.”  I will be back next year say’s Rena Killabrew of Atlanta.”


Guitar player sitting at the entrance of the event plays for the people as they arrive & Leave,at the King of Pops Field Day event. (c) 2013 Photo by D. Garvin


Clown sings for the crowd at the Masquerade, King of Pops in Atl. (c) 2013 Photo by D. Garvin


(c)2013 Masquerade, Atl. Guitarist collects donations while he plays. King of Pops Field Day. Photo by D. Garvin


Guitar player Field Day Event, Atlanta. (C) 2013 photo by D. Garvin


Ashley and Amy tells of how much they enjoy the event and is there to kick back on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. (c) 2013


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2013 AIDS Walk Atlanta & 5k Run, One of the Largest AIDS Event in the Southeast Gains Over One Million Dollars in Financial Support

2013 AIDS Walk Atlanta & 5K Run from Dawn on Vimeo.

AIDS  Organizations Will Receive  Financial Support Thanks to the AIDS Walk Atlanta & 5k Run Annual Event

AIDS Walk Atlanta & 5K Run is an annual event that supports AID Atlanta and seven other AIDS service organizations.  They have been funding support to organizations for 23 years.  It’s one of the largest fundraising events for AIDS in the Southeast United States as well as  the most visible. With this years attendance reaching over 10,000 people.  The AIDS Walk & 5K Run involvement makes it possible for AID Atlanta and the other AIDS organizations continue the work to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS. They have funded several programs, including the HIV primary health care, case management, HIV testing & counseling, and also provides support to AID Atlanta’s education program; which provides more than 80,000 prevention contacts annually.

2013 AIDS Walk Atlanta & 5K Run at Piedmont Park

2013 AIDS Walk Atlanta & 5K Run at Piedmont Park

Two Women indirectly affected by the disease are Caroline Mitchell and Tanzie Rena. They each give an account of their own personal experience of what it’s like to lose someone to HIV/AIDS. According to Caroline she has lost her brother and sister to AIDS in 1989 at a time when AIDS patients had stigma & discrimination attached.  Her sister was a prostitute and her brother was gay it was one of the toughest times her family had to deal with.

Caroline Tolbert (c) 2013

Caroline Mitchell (c) 2013 photo by D. Garvin

Caroline says “although my mother was always there for all of us, this was the one time she says was unable to fix it.”  During this tough time Caroline tried to be the strength for them all and became the support system for her siblings helping them at their homes.


The Names Project Quilt laid out for People to Sign

Tanzie Rena’s pain is still fresh after recently losing her child this year just few months earlier to cancer, which may have also been a complication from the HIV virus.  However, Tanzie says “it doesn’t’ matter what my child died from, just not having my son here still hurts all the same.” Tanzie was also in attendance at the Atlanta AIDS Walk & 5k Run event where she signed one of the AIDS Quilt.


Sal Gangi, College Park Fire Fighter (c) 2013

College Park Fire fighter, Sal Gangi explains the effects of HIV/AIDS and how they handle a call with an infected person.  However, he also reminds us that “it doesn’t matter who people are or whether or not they have HIV/AIDS, everyone is treated fairly and we are here for the people” says Gangi. Gangi’s reputation precedes him for the concern he has for human life  as a professional and simply as a human being.  One great example of that is from a mother of a dying child, Tanzie Rena, who remembers Gangi vividly because of the compassion he displayed to her son during his extreme weak & fragile state two weeks prior to his death.


Tanzie Rena and Fire Fighter Sal Gangi

According to Tanzie Rena, Sal Gangi was one of the first responders who arrived at her house on an emergency call when her son fell ill from his sickness just two weeks prior to his death.“I remember this fire fighter because of the compassion he showed my son in his sufferings. I remember Mr. Gangi talking to my son the entire time to keep his focus on him and not his circumstance; even talking to him about living in New York City.”  “That stood out to me because he was so kind to my son and  it meant the world to me because no mother wants to see their child suffering”.  I will never forget him for for his kindness” says Tanzie.

College Park Ga. Fire Station (C) 2013

College Park Ga. Fire Station (C) 2013

The Names Project Foundation is Another participant of the event, they’re a non-profit organization and has been around since 1987, and has charge over the AIDS Memorial Quilt.

The Creation of the AIDS Memorial Quilt Being Made on the Spot at the AIDS Walk Event (C) 2013

The the AIDS Memorial Quilt Being Made on the Spot by Director of Programs, Jada Harris  (C) 2013 Piedmont Park

“The purpose of the quilt is to memorialize the victims of AIDS who has passed on and to help remind people of the seriousness of the disease” says Jada Harris.  According to The Names Project “The Quilt was conceived in November of 1985 by long-time San Francisco gay rights activist Cleve Jones.  Since the 1978 assassinations of gay San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone, Jones had helped organize the annuandlelight march honoring these men.  At the end of the march, Jones and others stood on ladders taping these placards to the walls of the San Francisco Federal Building. The wall of names looked like a patchwork quilt.”  After seeing the wall, Jones and friends were inspired to create a larger memorial in memory of his friend Marvin Feldman, which was the inspiration for the quilts first patch a year later.

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Leonard Beaty

Leonard’s Story 2 from Dawn on Vimeo.

 Beaty Spreads the Gospel, Showcase New Talent and Inspires the Students Through Music

Leonard Beaty was born and raised in Rochester NY, in a strict single family home.   He was the third of four siblings.  Music has always been a part of his life.  He spent his whole life in church and his mother played drums and his uncle Andrew Beaty was a national recording gospel artist, formerly in a group called the chronicles, which was the beginning of his love for music.  A home filled with the sound of music set the tone for Beaty’s passion and love for music.  Beaty says when he was a young boy, he asked his godmother to buy him a keyboard and he promised he would always be obedient.  It was that first piece of instrument that started him on his path as a musician.

Leonard Beaty, captured in the back room of Elizabeth Baptist Church as he awaits performance time  (c) 2013  Photo by D. Garvin

Leonard Beaty, captured in the back room of Elizabeth Baptist Church as he awaits performance time
(c) 2013 Photo by D. Garvin

The lost of Beaty’s  grandmother put him in a state of depression. For the first time Beaty put away the keyboard that brought him so much joy. But, time away from playing brought on even more sadness, so Beaty decided to pick up his keys again and began playing.  According to Beaty he “felt a change in his spirit and began playing a new songs.”  Beaty never put the keys down again and began playing in churches as a young boy, as he got older he decided to invest in his own professional keyboard and never put it down again.



Beaty Directs the Music at church (c) 2013

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Elizabeth Baptist Church, Atlanta, Ga. (c) 2013






























































































































Wednesday Wind Down, Atlanta’s Free Annual Concert Series at Centennial Olympic Park

2013 Wind Down Wednesday at Centennial Olympic Park, Atlanta Ga from Dawn on Vimeo.

Wednesday Wind down has been a fun filled summer event held from the month of May-September for the past 15yrs years at Centennial Olympic Park. This event brings together up to 1500 people annually to enjoy the music that fills the atmosphere every Wednesday evening.  This week featured band is “The 6:30 band” with lead Singers Josh Bias and Angelica Tucker.

Centennial Olympic Park began hosting events sometime after the completion of renovation for the Olympic Games in 1996. There are several Atlanta Landmarks that surrounds the park including, Georgia World Congress CenterGeorgia DomePhilips Arena, CNN Center, Georgia Aquarium and the World of Coca-Cola.  According to Centennial Park, it sponsors “community-wide free events, including the Fourth of July Celebration, Wednesday Wind Down concert series and Fourth Saturday Family Fun Days. The Park also hosts festivals, fundraisers and private events.” These events plus daily traffic brings an estimated three million visitors through the park.

The City of Atlanta hosts & sponsors of the event are Nature Care, Valley Crest, TruGreen, Airtran, and WAOK & 104.7 Radio Stations.  A host of other sponsors throughout the years have brought the best in music and live entertainment, from both local and national Bands including Blues, funk, R&B, jazz and more.  This week’s show featured performance was from the 630 band.  Be on the look out for even greater performances and more fun in the sun in the years to come.


L. A. Jackson Celebrates The First Release of His Seven Volume Book “Musicology 2101”

LA Jackson 091413 2 from Dawn on Vimeo.

On September 14, 2013, Friends, family and music Industry players come together in support of L.A Jackson for his newly released book Musicology 2101 at his book signing party, the book was released earlier this year.  The event was held in Riverdale, Ga. a popular south side spot called Blitz Sports Bar & Grill. Also in attendance was Wade Jones, business partner/Co-Founder of the Peach City Record label. Jones and Jackson have formed not only a great business/partnership, but they’ve also formed a great friendship in the process, as Jones speaks highly of Jackson and shows strong support of  his book.

The book signing also included a sneak peek of a few of the artists on his Exposer 3, CD.  Artists include, Warren J. Gallimore, Kimosha Letoi, Lion Tafari, Elliot Holden, Doja and last but not least, Young Steve released through L.A Jackson’s own MKM Multi-Media Works Entertainment.  The book signing was also an opportunity to introduce a few of the artists that’s a part of the MKM Entertainment Company. It was a great turn out, lots of  fun, food, music and great performances, enough to satisfy the senses. To find out more information about what L.A Jackson, the artists on the compilation Exposer CD and“Peach City Records” are up to, check out his Facebook page.


Stone Mountain’s 2013 Yellow Daisy Festival: One of America’s Favorite Arts and Crafts Festival

Yellow Daisy Festival from Dawn Garvin on Vimeo.

Georgia hosts its 45th annual Yellow Daisy Arts & Crafts Festival at Stone Mountain Park. It features over 400 artists from all over the country. The festival is held annually during the month of September to celebrate the blooming of the Confederate Yellow Daisy. The confederate yellow daisy was discovered in 1846 on Stone Mountain, by Rev. Thomas Porter. In the fall the “extremely rare Confederate Yellow Daisy (the Helianthus Porteri) appear on the mountain, growing in the cracks and crevices of the rock, which are located in its natural habitat along the hiking trails on the mountain at the park.

The event started as a small arts and crafts show for the families and friends in the community, including shopping, live entertainment, and lots of good food. Over the years the event has grown tremendously into a four day event with artist from all over the country. The event continues to grow annually, yet maintaining a small town feel and family friendly atmosphere. Thousands of people attend the festival annually to experience the arts, crafts, music, trails, good food and fun.

Vendors display their crafts to the thousands of attendees annually, things such as pottery, basket-weaving, map-making, photography, wood carving, and a variety of art. According to Stone Mountain Park Events “The Daisy Festival was voted one of the top three arts & crafts shows in the nation by Sunshine Artist Magazine, a Southeast Tourism Society,  Top 20 Event and winner of multiple awards by the Southeast Festival and Events Association.”


Andrew Gunn Brings The Music To The Streets of Atlanta At The 2013 Dragon Con Event

20130830 Dragoncon2 dg from Dawn on Vimeo.

Andrew Gunn, a traveling street musician who sings and plays guitar on the road. Gunn is straight out of Massachusetts, making his latest stop all the way in Atlanta Georgia for one of the largest multi-media popular culture conventions that “focuses on science fiction, fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art music film and the universe” known as Dragon Con.  Gunn found a great location in downtown Atlanta, where thousands of people were for the event. Gunn says he will make his next stop in Florida as he continues his musical journey playing where the spirit leads.  He says jokingly that he will head south for the winter, however south is the direction he will be heading.  Gunn, moves around frequently on a budget, resting in different locations and as he puts it, sofa surfing.  Be on the lookout for Andrew, as he may be seen in a city near you.


The 36th Annual 2013 Atlanta Jazz Festival

The 36th Annual 2013 Atlanta Jazz Festival brings in about 50 Thousand plus Attendees Memorial Day Weekend

Group 3 (2)

Photo by L.A. Jackson

The Atlanta Jazz Festival is one of the Country’s Largest Free Jazz Festival, which takes place at Piedmont Park, located in the heart of midtown Atlanta.  Historical Piedmont Park is one of Atlanta’s prime locations for a host of annual events, including Midtown Music Festival, the Atlanta Pride Festival, Dogwood Festival, and many more.

The Annual Jazz Festival was originally created by the former Mayor of Atlanta Georgia, Maynard Jackson.  The first African-American Mayor of Atlanta, who has also had the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport named after him in his honor.

Alexandra Jackson

Atlanta 2013 Jazz Festival (c) 2013 Photo by Robb D. Cohen

One of the first time performers of this year’s event was Maynard Jackson’s youngest daughter, Singer Alexandra Jackson.

The Atlanta Jazz Festival organization says that they are a non-profit cultural organization, whose mission is to educate and entertain a diverse audience of jazz fans; and to nurture the next generation of jazz musicians.




Youtube clip by Only in the “A”

Here are just a few examples of some of the Atlanta Jazz Fest lineups:  Rialto Youth Jazz Orchestra under the direction of Dr. Gordon Vernick . Cécile McLorin Salvant, Dominick Farinacci, Meshell Ndegeocello, José James, Tia Fuller, Aruán Ortiz, Gretchen Parlato, and Rudresh Mahanthappa

The Publicist for the Atlanta Jazz Festival, Karen Hatchett Says the 2013’s theme for the festival is “Generation Next”.  This year’s festival is more about the new up and coming artists, focusing on the future generation of artists.  This year also included something for the youth, which are two of the youth jazz band competition winners from two local high schools Benjamin E. Mays High School Jazz Orchestra and Westlake High School Jazz Ensemble, which performed on stage for the event.

2013  Atlanta Jazz Fest

2013 Atlanta Jazz Festival, Photo by L.A Jackson

Group 4 (1)

Huge Crowd enjoying the 2013 Atlanta Jazz Festival (c) 2013 photo by D. Garvin

Atlanta Jazz Festival attendee, Tracy Sykes says “that the crowd was large, the weather was hot and the energy through the roof”.  Sykes, also stated “that the best time to attend the event was late in the evening due to the hot weather.”  She also made a point to say, along with many other attendees is, that the “event could have been a little better had there been a different or better lineup of performers.” Oh well, you can’t please them all!

Never-the-less, the Atlanta Jazz Festival is always the place to be for the Annual Memorial Day Weekend. Expect the event to get better and continue to grow annually, there’s always something for everyone.