Category Archives: Music

Leonard Beaty

Leonard’s Story 2 from Dawn on Vimeo.

 Beaty Spreads the Gospel, Showcase New Talent and Inspires the Students Through Music

Leonard Beaty was born and raised in Rochester NY, in a strict single family home.   He was the third of four siblings.  Music has always been a part of his life.  He spent his whole life in church and his mother played drums and his uncle Andrew Beaty was a national recording gospel artist, formerly in a group called the chronicles, which was the beginning of his love for music.  A home filled with the sound of music set the tone for Beaty’s passion and love for music.  Beaty says when he was a young boy, he asked his godmother to buy him a keyboard and he promised he would always be obedient.  It was that first piece of instrument that started him on his path as a musician.

Leonard Beaty, captured in the back room of Elizabeth Baptist Church as he awaits performance time  (c) 2013  Photo by D. Garvin

Leonard Beaty, captured in the back room of Elizabeth Baptist Church as he awaits performance time
(c) 2013 Photo by D. Garvin

The lost of Beaty’s  grandmother put him in a state of depression. For the first time Beaty put away the keyboard that brought him so much joy. But, time away from playing brought on even more sadness, so Beaty decided to pick up his keys again and began playing.  According to Beaty he “felt a change in his spirit and began playing a new songs.”  Beaty never put the keys down again and began playing in churches as a young boy, as he got older he decided to invest in his own professional keyboard and never put it down again.



Beaty Directs the Music at church (c) 2013

DSC00413 2

Elizabeth Baptist Church, Atlanta, Ga. (c) 2013






























































































































Independent Talent Come Together To Introduce Angelic Singz To The Atlanta Trance Dance Music Scene

Angelic Singz 3 from Dawn on Vimeo.

Angelic Singz, another one of Atlanta’s independent talent working her way into the music Industry debuting her first single called Atl Pretty Girls. Although this is Angelic’s first song to be released under nuqis music.  According to her producer, Angelic is no stranger to music and she also has a background of opera singing under her belt.  She performed at the 2013 Black History Month Parade in Atlanta, and is now being groomed to create an image for mainstream music. Angelic is realizing that it takes more than just pretty voice to make it in this industry, but a recognizable image necessary. The look for the cover of the Atl Pretty Girl Remix was implemented by Ward, however the style was a creation of Angelic, the image was the driving force of nuqis music and the creative eye was for the photos was from A. LO Photography. The overall collaboration from the three helped to pull together a great look and image for Angelic and  the C D cover for Atl Pretty Girls remix.

Herman Ward fondly known to his peers as Kat, is a local producer who has come a long way in the years of working in the music industry. Ward has worked his way up from production technician on tours ranging from Neyo to Usher and Janet Jackson to Limp Bizkit, just to name a few. He’s has produced music ranging from Hip Hop, rock and funk. He say’s “the mixture of genres is the formula he uses to create his style of dance music for nuqis music.  Nuqis Music and Angelic joined forces in collaboration for the Song Atl Pretty girls, which he says is the “Anthem for the pretty girls of Georgia.”

Arioel Lopez, also known as A. LO, is a man of many talents, he’s not only a successful photographer with a creative eye, but is also a popular online radio host for independent artist called A. LO also understands the importance of image from a perspective of both a photographer and a host for independent artists. He was hired to incorporate his skills and expertise to help make the vision come alive.


Wednesday Wind Down, Atlanta’s Free Annual Concert Series at Centennial Olympic Park

2013 Wind Down Wednesday at Centennial Olympic Park, Atlanta Ga from Dawn on Vimeo.

Wednesday Wind down has been a fun filled summer event held from the month of May-September for the past 15yrs years at Centennial Olympic Park. This event brings together up to 1500 people annually to enjoy the music that fills the atmosphere every Wednesday evening.  This week featured band is “The 6:30 band” with lead Singers Josh Bias and Angelica Tucker.

Centennial Olympic Park began hosting events sometime after the completion of renovation for the Olympic Games in 1996. There are several Atlanta Landmarks that surrounds the park including, Georgia World Congress CenterGeorgia DomePhilips Arena, CNN Center, Georgia Aquarium and the World of Coca-Cola.  According to Centennial Park, it sponsors “community-wide free events, including the Fourth of July Celebration, Wednesday Wind Down concert series and Fourth Saturday Family Fun Days. The Park also hosts festivals, fundraisers and private events.” These events plus daily traffic brings an estimated three million visitors through the park.

The City of Atlanta hosts & sponsors of the event are Nature Care, Valley Crest, TruGreen, Airtran, and WAOK & 104.7 Radio Stations.  A host of other sponsors throughout the years have brought the best in music and live entertainment, from both local and national Bands including Blues, funk, R&B, jazz and more.  This week’s show featured performance was from the 630 band.  Be on the look out for even greater performances and more fun in the sun in the years to come.


L. A. Jackson Celebrates The First Release of His Seven Volume Book “Musicology 2101”

LA Jackson 091413 2 from Dawn on Vimeo.

On September 14, 2013, Friends, family and music Industry players come together in support of L.A Jackson for his newly released book Musicology 2101 at his book signing party, the book was released earlier this year.  The event was held in Riverdale, Ga. a popular south side spot called Blitz Sports Bar & Grill. Also in attendance was Wade Jones, business partner/Co-Founder of the Peach City Record label. Jones and Jackson have formed not only a great business/partnership, but they’ve also formed a great friendship in the process, as Jones speaks highly of Jackson and shows strong support of  his book.

The book signing also included a sneak peek of a few of the artists on his Exposer 3, CD.  Artists include, Warren J. Gallimore, Kimosha Letoi, Lion Tafari, Elliot Holden, Doja and last but not least, Young Steve released through L.A Jackson’s own MKM Multi-Media Works Entertainment.  The book signing was also an opportunity to introduce a few of the artists that’s a part of the MKM Entertainment Company. It was a great turn out, lots of  fun, food, music and great performances, enough to satisfy the senses. To find out more information about what L.A Jackson, the artists on the compilation Exposer CD and“Peach City Records” are up to, check out his Facebook page.


Andrew Gunn Brings The Music To The Streets of Atlanta At The 2013 Dragon Con Event

20130830 Dragoncon2 dg from Dawn on Vimeo.

Andrew Gunn, a traveling street musician who sings and plays guitar on the road. Gunn is straight out of Massachusetts, making his latest stop all the way in Atlanta Georgia for one of the largest multi-media popular culture conventions that “focuses on science fiction, fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art music film and the universe” known as Dragon Con.  Gunn found a great location in downtown Atlanta, where thousands of people were for the event. Gunn says he will make his next stop in Florida as he continues his musical journey playing where the spirit leads.  He says jokingly that he will head south for the winter, however south is the direction he will be heading.  Gunn, moves around frequently on a budget, resting in different locations and as he puts it, sofa surfing.  Be on the lookout for Andrew, as he may be seen in a city near you.


Evanjahlist “The Music Man” Of Midtown Atlanta at Little Five Points

Evan, fondly known to the Little Five Points community in Midtown Atlanta as Evanjahlist, who’s a celebrity in his own right.  Evanjahlist says his first name is Evan and he created the add-on “Jahlist” as a last name and prefers to be called Evanjahlist (as in Evangelist).  The name represents the biblical term to spread the good word/message and reaching many people.

Evanjahlist sits on the streets of Atlanta's Little Five Points district stopping to take a break away from the drumming in order to stop & talk with  his drums while a spectator. August 10, 2013

Photo by D. Garvin/Journalist (c) 2013 Evanjahlist sits on the streets of Atlanta’s Little Five Points district stopping to take a break away from the drumming in order to  chat a moment with a spectator.              August 10, 2013

Evanjahlist is a 44yr old man who is currently homeless, he says he use to do art, stones and jewelry, but he doesn’t do it anymore and prefers to do music.  He has played drums since he was 12yrs old and he also sang in the choir.  Evanjahlist moved to Atlanta from Miami, during the 1996 Olympics, but has visited Georgia regularly every summer from childhood.  He says “although he lived in Miami, he grew up in Atlanta.”

He believes that Atlanta has the best culture, art and music scene around and says “that’s why I love Atlanta so much.”  Evanjahlist loves all genres of music and finds peace of mind and joy spreading love through his music to the community he plays in.  As he plays his homemade drum set made from two 5 gallon water jugs, a milk crate for a seat and a wooden spoon to hold his symbol in place and beating the drums with his hand and a wooden stick, Evanjahlist creates wonderful music.  Evan has been a part of the community for the past 17 yrs and is very well known by most people in the community.

Evanjahlist, the man of the community tells a little bit of his story as to why he plays on the streets of  Little Five Points in Midtown Atlanta He reminisces w/a pleasant memories. Photo by D. Garvin/Journalist (c) 2013

Evanjahlist, the man of the community tells a little bit of his story as to why he plays on the streets of Little Five Points in Midtown Atlanta
He reminisces w/a pleasant memories.
Photo by D. Garvin/Journalist (c) 2013

He was forced to move from one location, stating that he was told that he needed to get a permit to perform.  “It’s very hard to get a permit” says Evan, “so I moved to this location, where the spirit led me and I love this location.”

Evanjahlist, looks on talking to the people when they stop to ask questions.  Little Five Points, August 10, 2013 Photo by D. Garvin/Journalist (c) 2013

Evanjahlist, looks on talking to the people when they stop to ask questions. Little Five Points, August 10, 2013
Photo by D. Garvin/Journalist (c) 2013

Evanjahlist states that “he is not out robbing people, but is making an honest living.”  Although Evan is currently homeless and struggling, he keeps a great spirit and sees beauty in the world around him and just wants to share the good news and his music to the world while bringing a smile to the faces around him.

Evanjahlist watches as a young girl drops money into the bucket as he sits in front of a building playing his music.  August 10, 2013 Atlanta, Midtown's popular Little Five Points. Photo by D. Garvin/Journalist (c) 2013

Evanjahlist watches as a young girl drops money into the bucket as he sits in front of a building playing his music. August 10, 2013 Atlanta, Midtown’s popular Little Five Points.
Photo by D. Garvin/Journalist (c) 2013

Evanjahlist, the music man stops to count his money after the bucket gets a little full and puts it away to prevent any temptation of theft. Midtown, Atlanta Little Five Points district.  August 10, 2013  Photo by: D. Garvin/Journalist (c) 2013

Evanjahlist, the music man stops to count his money after the bucket gets a little full and puts it away to prevent any temptation of theft. Midtown, Atlanta Little Five Points district. August 10, 2013 Photo by: D. D. Garvin/Journalist (c) 2013

Evanjahlist bucket is slowly filling up, but a little more help is always good.  He can always be found in Midtown Atlanta's Little Five Points district. August 10, 2013 Photo by D. Garvin/Journalist (c) 2013

Evanjahlist bucket is slowly filling up, but a little more help is always good. He can always be found in Midtown Atlanta’s Little Five Points district.
August 10, 2013
Photo by D. Garvin/Journalist (c) 2013

So, the next time you’re in Midtown Atlanta in the Little Five Points district, don’t hesitate to drop by to say hello to Evanjahlist and Bless him with a little drop in the bucket.


The Effects Of Internet, Technology And Social Media On The Music Industry

The Effects of the Internet, Technology and Social Media has had on the Music Industry

As social networking and technology evolve, more people are online adding more challenges for the music industry.  Has social networking become a problem for the music industry?

It can be hard for the recording industry to make money because so much of the music is readily available online free of charge. However, this doesn’t put the record label out of business; readjustments and strategic planning with marketing must be made in order to make money and become of value to the artists and the industry as a whole.

Bands and Artists are finding new ways to stay relevant and to make money. They seem to be doing just fine because they are keeping up with technology and social media, which is valuable tool and much more affordable, especially for new artists. Social media had made it possible to create, promote and sell in the comfort of your home.

As I watch Tour Manager, Andre Washington setup, he says “Artist’s still make a major part of their money touring and states that technology will never replace the love of music and the human connection artist’s makes with their fans during live performances”.


Photo compliments of Andre Washington (C) 2013

Today, online skills should automatically become a part of every artist requirements for the industry.   It allows artists to become closer to their art because they’re not tied to what the record labels would normally do to create a product.  Just as YouTube has made people famous without a label, success is still at your reach while simply working in the comfort of your own home.


(c) 2013 Photo by D. Garvin

According to Wade Jones, CEO/Co-Founder of Peach City Records, he stated that being a newly formed label, social media help to make the journey exciting. “To have the opportunity to get my artists exposed to a wider audience on a very low budget would not have been possible just a few years ago.”

Digitization of content has become inevitable in this age of technology. From the creation of music to the consumption of music, it all demonstrates how it has become digitized. Take IPOD’s, smart phones and tablets for example, and even apps created for these devices, they’re all the creation of digital technology.


(c) 2013 Photo by D. Garvin

According to Pandodaily,  “popular digital music services have been criticized for not paying enough in royalties to the rights holders.  It escalated into a debate with Congress in the form of the Internet Radio Fairness Act, a bill that aims to change the way royalty rates are set.”

Because the labels and digital music are helping each other today, digital music sales have gone up drastically.   Services like Song Kick and bands in town are platforms that bring people to shows, which is how most artists make their revenues.  Technology has definitely shifted the control of the record label to the control of the artists.

Social media had made it possible to bring all sides together, and allow more freedom for artist’s creativity.  But, don’t get it twisted, record labels are still needed and used today because someone has to do all the legwork.  In the end it’s a lot of work, and the coming together of the old and the new as a team can be very profitable.









The 36th Annual 2013 Atlanta Jazz Festival

The 36th Annual 2013 Atlanta Jazz Festival brings in about 50 Thousand plus Attendees Memorial Day Weekend

Group 3 (2)

Photo by L.A. Jackson

The Atlanta Jazz Festival is one of the Country’s Largest Free Jazz Festival, which takes place at Piedmont Park, located in the heart of midtown Atlanta.  Historical Piedmont Park is one of Atlanta’s prime locations for a host of annual events, including Midtown Music Festival, the Atlanta Pride Festival, Dogwood Festival, and many more.

The Annual Jazz Festival was originally created by the former Mayor of Atlanta Georgia, Maynard Jackson.  The first African-American Mayor of Atlanta, who has also had the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport named after him in his honor.

Alexandra Jackson

Atlanta 2013 Jazz Festival (c) 2013 Photo by Robb D. Cohen

One of the first time performers of this year’s event was Maynard Jackson’s youngest daughter, Singer Alexandra Jackson.

The Atlanta Jazz Festival organization says that they are a non-profit cultural organization, whose mission is to educate and entertain a diverse audience of jazz fans; and to nurture the next generation of jazz musicians.




Youtube clip by Only in the “A”

Here are just a few examples of some of the Atlanta Jazz Fest lineups:  Rialto Youth Jazz Orchestra under the direction of Dr. Gordon Vernick . Cécile McLorin Salvant, Dominick Farinacci, Meshell Ndegeocello, José James, Tia Fuller, Aruán Ortiz, Gretchen Parlato, and Rudresh Mahanthappa

The Publicist for the Atlanta Jazz Festival, Karen Hatchett Says the 2013’s theme for the festival is “Generation Next”.  This year’s festival is more about the new up and coming artists, focusing on the future generation of artists.  This year also included something for the youth, which are two of the youth jazz band competition winners from two local high schools Benjamin E. Mays High School Jazz Orchestra and Westlake High School Jazz Ensemble, which performed on stage for the event.

2013  Atlanta Jazz Fest

2013 Atlanta Jazz Festival, Photo by L.A Jackson

Group 4 (1)

Huge Crowd enjoying the 2013 Atlanta Jazz Festival (c) 2013 photo by D. Garvin

Atlanta Jazz Festival attendee, Tracy Sykes says “that the crowd was large, the weather was hot and the energy through the roof”.  Sykes, also stated “that the best time to attend the event was late in the evening due to the hot weather.”  She also made a point to say, along with many other attendees is, that the “event could have been a little better had there been a different or better lineup of performers.” Oh well, you can’t please them all!

Never-the-less, the Atlanta Jazz Festival is always the place to be for the Annual Memorial Day Weekend. Expect the event to get better and continue to grow annually, there’s always something for everyone.


Tough Times Make Tough People

 L.A. Jackson embodies this old adage in just five words

  “Never Let the Dream Die”  

L.A Jackson

L.A Jackson Profile Story (c) 2013 Photo by Mike Blocker         Keep It Moving

L.A. Jackson, is a native of Kingston Jamaica, the capital of Jamaica.  He also speaks the native language called Jamaican Patois.  Jackson say’s Bob Marley is his idol because he demonstrated to him that It’s OK to be Jamaican and still accomplish your goals”.  Jackson’s motto has always been  Keeping It Moving”

The Early Years                                                                                                                              

As a young child in the mid 60’s, Jackson and his family relocated to Brooklyn New York where he grew up. He has a close relationship with his brother and sister.  His mother was a housekeeper and his father was the superintendent of the apartment building where they lived.   Jackson experienced the culture shock of racism or what some may call reverse racism. It was disturbing to young Jackson because it came from  his own race.  However, he was considered an outsider due to his Jamaican heritage; living in the ghetto around other children of color Jackson had no understanding of why he was teased, spat on and called crude names.

Although he faced discouraging opposition from his peers, he remained optimistic and used that opposition as his source of motivation to catapult himself to the next level. In the third grade he was placed in the (IGC) Intellectually Gifted Children program for three years in a row and by the fifth grade was made Valedictorian of his school.  His mentor and fifth grade teacher Bernard Percy saw great potential in Jackson and made him a contributing author to his nationally published books, including (How to Grow a Child: A child’s advice to parents, The Power of Creative Writing and Help your child).

From 1984-1994, Jackson spent 10 yrs marketing Columbia, Epic and Def Jam Records for Sony Music. In 2001, he executive produced the Atlanta Artist Against Violence CD, for the “Million Mom March Foundation” following the murder of a friend, DeKalb County Sheriff, Derwin Brown. This project lead him to manage Baba Oje, formerly of the musical group Arrested Development.


Jackson is President and Co-founder of Peach City Records in Atlanta and head of the marketing & sales dept. Jackson spends a major part of his day on the phone, online, and going to meetings & events.   He met Wade Jones at a music studio and they immediately connected and in less than a year formed a business partnership. According to Wade Jones Co-Founder/CEO, of Peach City Records,  “L.A is enthusiastic and energetic; he follows through on his great ideas and don’t mind sharing his expertise.”  He also states that “he has the gift of gab and knows how to rub elbows.” L.A. recently wrote his own seven series book called Musicology 2101. To further promote the book, he’s planning a book tour that includes musical groups.

Jackson have his hands full in several ventures, including his MKM Multi-Media Works company which oversees the media production of music, audio visual, home theater and sales of books & merchandise.  He’s also a member of the (NARIP) National Association of Record Industry Professionals, as well as the (GMIA) Georgia Music Industry Association.

Jackson’s favorite quote:

2013 COVER 

 “Everything Turns Out Right in the End.  If it isn’t Right, It isn’t the End”


One Member Of The Successful 1990’s Multi-Platinum Hip Hop Rap Duo “Kris Kross” Has Died At The Young Age of 34

Rapper Chris Kelly formerly of the successful 1990’s Multi-platinum Hiphop rap duo “Kris Kross” has died at the young age of 34.