Tag Archives: Homeless

Thanks To The Support of The Atlanta Mission, Some Homeless Were Protected From This Years Bitter Cold Weather

The Recent Sub-Zero Temperatures Around the Country is No Easy Feat For Any Human Being, That’s Why Your Support is Needed to Help The Atlanta Mission Get Atlanta’s Homeless Off the Streets.

Video Courtesy of Atlanta Mission

Do you remember how you felt just walking to your car during the unusually sub-zero temperatures that was felt across the country or how you felt just to cross the street during this recent cold wave? How about “leaning into the wind, how the cold stabbed at your joints, and how, each time you inhaled the frigid air, you thought your lungs would crack?” Then just imagine how some homeless men, women and children who weren’t able to find shelter felt sitting huddled up with high winds and the bitter cold pounding the cardboard box under that bridge.  There is something so wrong when people can sit idly by, having Christmas dinners or whatever it is you do during the holidays or any day for that matter, and not have a second thought about a person in need. You see so many people living on the streets everyday and people just pass them by daily, that you become apathetic to it.  But no one should become desensitized to human suffering.  With your support, you can help the Atlanta Mission  and other organizations end homelessness one day at a time, just by donating your time, skills, talents and monetary gifts.

The Atlanta Mission  is a Christian based organization that reaches people physically, emotionally and spiritually. Their goal is to touch the heart and the spirit of every person in need that walks through it’s door.  They help to transform the lives of homeless families through the support of the community and the love of God by bringing them out of the darkness into the light. This organization was established in 1938 and has been providing services and transforming lives of homeless men, women and children for 75 years.

Georgia Gov.-elect Nathan Deal, right, meets Cynthia McDaniel, left, and her son Devon Scott, 6 months, while visiting the Atlanta Mission homeless shelter for women to kick off inaugural festivities  in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Georgia Gov.-elect Nathan Deal, right, meets Cynthia McDaniel, left, and her son Devon Scott, 6 months, while visiting the Atlanta Mission homeless shelter for women to kick off inaugural festivities in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

The women & children’s section is called My SistersHouse, and the Atlanta Mission provides emergency and temporary shelter as well as transitional housing for more than 950 men, women and children on a daily basis. There’s also a recovery program, job training and a personal development program.

Atlanta Falcons' Justin Blalock, Jonathan Massaquoi and Corey Peters, from left, serve an early Thanksgiving dinner to Ronnie Fowler, left, and about 100 other men from Shepherd's Inn, the men's facility at the Atlanta Mission, Monday, Nov. 25, 2013, in Atlanta. The Falcons players served the catered meal at the mission which provides overnight shelter and transitional housing for more than 950 homeless men, women and children daily. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Atlanta Falcons’ Justin Blalock, Jonathan Massaquoi and Corey Peters, from left, serve an early Thanksgiving dinner to Ronnie Fowler, left, and about 100 other men from Shepherd’s Inn, the men’s facility at the Atlanta Mission, Monday, Nov. 25, 2013, in Atlanta. The Falcons players served the catered meal at the mission which provides overnight shelter and transitional housing for more than 950 homeless men, women and children daily. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

There’s an annual 5k race to end homelessness, and to see so many people get involved to run this race shows the homeless how much people really care.  With your support it can continue growing to create bigger and better facilities and to grow the organization so that you can make it possible to help get all homeless men, women and children off the streets and give back their dignity and help them to become productive citizens in the community.  This will not only benefit the homeless, but the Atlanta community as well.  So please, let’s come together for a common cause and support your homeless and help save a life, it’s such a worthy cause and you’ll be glad you did.

Youtube Video Courtesy of Atlanta Mission


Frantz Fortune Takes the Initiative to Help Get Homeless Vets Off the Streets

Veterans Empowerment Organization of Georgia (VEO) & Frantz Fortune

VEO for Homeless Vets from Dawn on Vimeo.

Frantz Fortune is the Executive Director of Veterans Empowerment Organization, also known as (VEO).  This organization was created & founded by Frantz Fortune, a social worker with years of experience working directly with the homeless population.  40yr old Frantz Fortune is a dedicated husband who has been married 17 years and a father of two, ages 8 years and 16 years old.  Fortune is a native of Haiti and has resided in the states for the past 22 years. Prior to running the VEO Program, Fortune was a real estate investor that began in 1999, up until the economic crash in 2008.  During that time Fortune took advantage of the crash and created an opportunity to build the Veterans Empowerment Organization.  He says it keeps him very busy, but it’s something he loves doing.  Fortune stated “I’m a selfless person and I have a desire to help.”


Frantz Fortune, Founder and Executive Director of (VEO) Veterans Empowerment Organization of Georgia, seeking support to help get homeless vets off the streets.

Frantz made a point to say that “I don’t let trouble bother me, I just do what is needed to help.”  He even explained to his     children “you’re going to have to share daddy” knowing that the time spent away from home will be time invested in helping   feed, clothe and shelter the homeless vets and to help them to regain their independence and dignity.  “I have an awesome wife who allows me to be away while she takes care of home, so I can work” says Fortune.  His passion for serving others is a part of who he is but, he also remembers when he left a third world country to come to the United States, how he was afforded opportunities when he needed it; looks like he’s paying it forward, literally Fortune has used most of his own money to develop this program, but he can’t do it alone;  any support is always welcomed and appreciated.

Frantz has big ideas, big dreams and a desire to see a VEO opened in every city and/or state in the U.S.  He would even like to see other organizations like VEO help to solve what he calls a crisis, stating that there are 300,000 homeless vets in the U.S. and 2,000 in Atlanta alone.  He Spends time getting to know the Vets, which helped him to learn the man and understand them as humans and not just homeless.  Fortune is very ambitious in his dreams and desires to help the homeless; he also has a desire and goal to open a canteen to feed the homeless.  According to VEO, today Fortune is helping Atlanta to solve its homelessness problem through his work with The United Way and the Positive Outlook Foundation.  “We seek to create living conditions that will promote independence, dignity, and a sense of purpose for veterans who are currently under served and in need, including the mentally ill, those who have substance abuse problems, or physical disabilities.”

To help Frantz Fortune in his quest to get homeless veterans off the streets, don’t hesitate to stop by the VEO of Georgia to  lend a helping hand or donate food, money, or your time.  They can also be found on Facebook and Twitter, every little bit  helps, so be a blessing.